5 Tips to Drive Career Growth and Development

5 Tips to Drive Career Growth and Development

At GovGig, we realize the importance of continuous development and the impact that growing as a professional can have on our professional future.  Consider the following recommendations as you look to own your own career path in the world of Federal Construction:

1)     Set goals and create a game plan on how to achieve them – Career management is necessary if you expect to gain long-term happiness and success from the hours that you invest in work.  Determine what direction you would like to take down the road and set realistic, documented goals on how to achieve them.  Everyone has heard of the often-phrased interview question that goes something like, “Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?”  Take the time to really think about this question.  Take this as an opportunity to plan your career path.  Make sure that you include growth opportunities, networking, and steps toward career development in your plan.  If your goal is nothing more than to stay gainfully employed with the same employer throughout your career, set goals on how you can perform that job to the best of your ability.  The key here is to establish a plan, and work towards being the best that you can be in an effort to drive your career to new heights!

2)     Own your own career path-  The most successful individuals take ownership of their own career path.  This includes making sure that the steps that you take in your career are career-focused to both your role and the industry.  Owning your career also requires for you to build valuable skills in your field.  The goal is to achieve value for both current and prospective employers.  This is done through courses and certifications, work experience and achievements, and by engaging in roles that will challenge you professionally.

3)     Never solely rely on your own skills and experience to drive success- Professional networking is the key to unlocking unlimited career potential.  Not only can successful networking open up career opportunities, but networking also provides an abundance of resources and a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.  Just remember that professional networking is a 2-way street.  Providing as much value to those in your network as you receive is a necessary part of developing and maintaining long-lasting relationships.  Consider utilizing valuable tools such as LinkedIn or GovGig to assist you in this professional networking process.

4)     Embrace successes AND failures- Most individuals find personal and professional success easy to embrace.  On the other hand, understanding, accepting and most of all embracing our failures is a very difficult proposition.  Even the most successful people fail at business.  Consider failure as a temporary roadblock and a valuable learning experience.  Use it as inspiration to drive personal change.  Use your mistakes to build personal strength of character and remember that your mistakes only define who you are if you allow them to.

5)     Don’t be afraid of change-  Just remember, your greatest growth will come from professional discomfort.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Take on new assignments.  If your current position does not provide an avenue for development, consider a career move to a more challenging role.  The path to personal career growth is never easy and always requires some degree of trial.  Without challenge, stress, or pressure, stagnation will eventually come.

If you're looking for an exciting career change that can open up new professional opportunities, contact GovGig now and let us help you reach your career goals!