SIOP Contract Opportunities and How to Leverage for Career Success

SIOP Contract Opportunities and How to Leverage for Career Success

With considerable Federal Contracting opportunities on the horizon due to the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program’s (SIOP) investment in shipyard infrastructure, the upcoming job prospects will be numerous.  The imminent breakthrough in this sector promises to stimulate substantial job growth and presents exciting prospects for the qualified workforce.  Consequently, career refinement becomes imperative if you are to truly benefit from the variety of open positions that will be available as without the skillset and necessary qualifications, it will be difficult to truly capitalize upon these opportunities.

Consider the following recommendations as you look to provide yourself the greatest opportunity for future growth:

1.     We cannot stress enough the importance of crafting a well-developed, focused professional resume geared toward your experience and qualifications in Federal Construction.  Even if you have yet to work in the Federal sector, highlighting specific areas of expertise will allow you the best opportunity to successfully land one of these many highly sought-after roles.  As you develop a carefully crafted and focused resume, identify the following areas:

a.     All about content, less about length-  In today’s job market, it has become common practice to limit your professional resume to 2 pages or less.  We cannot stress enough the importance of ignoring this advice when developing a resume for the Federal Sector.  When it comes to outlining your qualifications on paper, it is essential that you are thorough when listing the experience that you have had from previous positions.  As you list your work history, break down each role into areas of responsibility.  Once again, do not focus on length, but on quality information.  Be as thorough as it takes when listing position responsibility on your resume as the Federal Government wants to ensure that you have the experience to be able to effectively manage your role and cares little for resume conciseness.

b.     List dates, contract titles and contract values- This is specific to your experience in the Federal Sector and necessary for any manager-level roles such as Project Manager, QA/QC and SSHO.  Upon reviewing your qualifications, the Federal Government is likely to review projects that you have listed for accuracy.  This information will allow for transparency and professionalism when listing your body of experience.

c.     Be thorough when listing training, education, and certifications- I want to be clear, we are not asking you to fluff your qualifications through worthless filler certifications.  Be thorough with the information that you provide.  List training dates along with types of training/certs.  Make sure that any training that you list is backed by a certificate of completion and that you can clearly account for the training that you have received.

2.    Since we are on the topic of training, perhaps the easiest way in which you can build upon your professional qualifications is through documented training and professional certifications.  Assess where you currently are in your career and identify areas where you are lacking.  Employers want to see that their future employees value continuing education.  Make sure that you take the time to complete as much relevant coursework for your position as you are able and make sure that training documentation by way of certificates accompany them.  Being able to submit a thorough training log detailing between 8-24 hours of safety training per year for the past 5 years of employment is a requirement for certain positions in which you may apply (training hours vary depending upon the contract). Be prepared to submit this log and be as comprehensive as possible. Most of all, be prepared to show documented proof of the courses that you are listing.

3.    Utilize professional networking to work to your advantage.  Be proactive by building and cultivating your professional relationships.  “True networking comes from connecting with other professionals, building, and then maintaining those relationships built upon trust and good rapport; giving value in the relationship as much as receiving.  From a simpler perspective, a network of like-minded professionals can provide you with an easy access system of experience, knowledge, and exposure available at your fingertips.”  Ultimately, a well-developed network can do wonders when working to capitalize upon future employment opportunities.  Do not take the value of networking lightly as it ultimately may be the most valuable tool in your chest of valuable resources.

We here at GovGig have the experience and expertise to leverage upon the opportunities that SIOP will afford us.  Consider partnering with our team as each of us look to build upon our past successes and open new and exciting opportunities for growth and success.

Cory J. Grimmer